Top Health Benefits of Antioxidant-Rich Fruits and Vegetables for Preventing Chronic Diseases

2023-06-29 12:34:50


They are rich in antioxidants and prevent the formation of plaques in the arteries.


Diets rich in fruits and vegetables are key to preventing the development of various health conditions such as cancer and other chronic diseases. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and other substances that are important to the body, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Given its medicinal and healthy contributions, the consumption of vegetables, for example, is decisive for good blood circulation, a key process for taking care of the heart and, in general, the body. In particular, there are some of them whose properties meet this objective and, in addition, help prevent or alleviate varicose veins when they occur.

Experts say that green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and chard, in addition to garlic and onion, are favorable for increasing blood flow and preventing varicose veins, so include them regularly in the diet It will avoid complications related to circulation.

It is said to be a vegetable that inhibits the synthesis of LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides, thus preventing arteries from clogging. The oneHOWTO lifestyle portal, for its part, ensures that, being a source of allicin and ajoene, garlic prevents blood vessels from becoming inflamed and clotting.

In this regard, the American Aarp Foundation, on its website, ensures that there is evidence indicating that garlic helps prevent platelets from sticking together and, by promoting good circulation, prevents leg problems and also prevents varicose veins. One of the ways to consume it to meet this goal is to eat crushed raw garlic every day.

Along these lines, a publication in the Mejor con Salud magazine highlights the benefits of the compound quercetin and refers to a study published in the ACS Omega magazine, in which it was concluded that this food improves the function of blood vessels, helps reduce blood pressure on the arteries (allows them to relax) and reduces the inflammatory state, which is why it is also very favorable for relieving discomfort caused by varicose veins.

This food contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce “bad” or LDL cholesterol, preventing the formation of fatty plaques in the arteries and, in turn, reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. By preventing this type of lipid from adhering to blood vessels, it facilitates the flow of blood through these ducts.

In this particular case, chard is rich in potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and relax blood vessels. Information from the Consalud de España portal also indicates that this vegetable is rich in iron and copper that affect good circulation, while the vitamin K it possesses favors coagulation.

This cruciferous vegetable is rich in sulforaphanes, compounds associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. It also helps reduce bad cholesterol thanks to the presence of glucosinolates and high amounts of fiber, which prevents plaque from forming in the arteries. Likewise, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, this plant also strengthens blood vessels.

It is important to be clear that the benefits of these foods will be obtained if they are consumed as part of a balanced diet, in addition to regular exercise, since they will not provide the same results by themselves.

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