Tradition: A monster procession for the 150th carnival of Monthey


A monster procession for the 150th carnival of Monthey

One of the most famous carnivals in French-speaking Switzerland celebrated its anniversary editions with a parade bringing together 40 musical groups and floats.


The triboulets are the emblem of the montheysan carnival.


The highlight of the 150th carnival of Monthey, the Sunday procession brought together tens of thousands of spectators who gathered along the route. This year, nearly 40 floats and musical groups took part in the parade, which ended with a “monster” confetti battle. Enough to respect the theme of this “Carnival Monster”.

Having started on Thursday, it will continue on Monday evening with the Pomponicaille, a real typical and unmissable charivari before giving way to the children’s parade on Tuesday. Everything will return to calm and order on Wednesday.

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