Training to make good use of Oligui Nguéma’s gift –

On the instructions of the President of the Transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, the National Agency for the Promotion of Investments of Gabon (ANPI) has initiated entrepreneurship training for the benefit of unemployed young people grouped within the National Movement of the Unemployed of Gabon (MNCG) and affiliated. This training should enable nearly 300 members of this structure to undertake and invest efficiently with the share allocated to each of the funds allocated to the MNCG and affiliated by the President of the Transition.

Training based on the creation and formalization of companies should enable each participant to be equipped with the differences that exist between a company and a business, what this implies in terms of legal procedures, administrative procedures and steps, etc., before the purely operational phase of creating and formalizing companies through the ANPI’s one-stop shop.

“We will not only work on the formalization of their businesses, but also help them boost their activities so that they become solid and sustainable. It will be up to us to report to the Head of State on the number of businesses that will emerge and the impact on unemployment.”said Ashir Mabignath Sall, Deputy Director General of ANPI.

A sequence of the training of the unemployed at ANPI ©

The young future entrepreneurs showed enthusiasm and drive throughout the training, led by lawyers and other supervisors, whose interventions focused on modules based on the basics necessary for creating, starting, launching and successfully running a business, however modest it may be.

“We are satisfied because the Director General of ANPI, who took part in the audience granted by the President of the Republic, spared no effort to be able to mobilize his teams, in order to materialize the instruction of the Head of State”rejoiced the spokesperson for the national office of the MNCG, Axel Junior Kombila Kombila.

On August 9, at the end of an audience with more than 300 young members of the National Movement of the Unemployed of Gabon (MNCG), the president of the transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguéma, offered an envelope of 50 million CFA francs, or 160,000 CFA francs each, in order to launch into entrepreneurship, with the supervision of the National Agency for the Promotion of Investments of Gabon (ANPI).

“We will not tolerate that these funds be used for purposes other than the guidelines given by the President of the Republic, that is to say the creation and launch of a business to combat unemployment.”warned Axel Junior Kombila Kombila, spokesperson for the movement.

It is therefore expected that at the end of the current process, substantial jobs will be created, likely to reduce as much as possible the unemployment rate in Gabon, which has reached worrying proportions in recent decades, up to 40% among young people, according to World Bank figures.

Betines Makosso

2024-08-14 13:27:26
#Training #good #Oligui #Nguémas #gift



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