Traverse of Isle-aux-Coudres: a crew that speaks mainly English

The crew of Svanoythe ship that provides the crossing between Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive and L’Isle-aux-Coudres in Charlevoix, communicates largely in English.

• Read also – Traverse of Isle-aux-Coudres: the agreement is signed, the strike falls through

The service during the fifteen-minute journey is therefore mainly in English. If the opinion of users is divided in the face of this situation, for those who spoke with TVA Nouvelles, the most important thing is that safety on board be ensured.

For its part, the Société des traversiers du Québec (STQ) defends itself and mentions that there is a portion of employees who speak French on the boat in the event of an incident.

Labor shortage

The STQ affirms that the mixed crew was the solution to overcome the shortage of manpower.

“Recruitment is a daily concern in each of our sleepers. It was necessary to make sure, at Isle-aux-Coudres, to have two ships this summer. This is why we did business with an external firm, and we therefore have a mixed crew on board, ”explained the communications advisor to the Société des traversiers du Québec, Bruno Verreault.

The latter also indicated that there should be a member of the crew who speaks French at each crossing.

“Quebecers have the right to work and receive services in our official and common language, French. The Ministry of the French Language is in the process of making the necessary checks, ”assured the office of the Minister of the French Language Simon Jolin-Barrette.

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