TRUE OR FALSE. Is an overly sweet breakfast the cause of the late morning crash?

the essential
Too much sugar at breakfast time can affect your form and cause the famous 11 o’clock crash. Explanations and advice from a dietician.

Who has never felt a big blow of fatigue at the end of the morning, despite a good breakfast?
“It all depends on the composition of the breakfast, but when it contains too much sugar, it can happen! confirms Muriel Bonnefond, dietician in Balma (Haute-Garonne). For example, if you eat bread, which contains sugar with jam, which you accompany with a sweet tea and orange juice, you get a sugar breakfast!Once the sugar is ingested, it passes into the blood and raises blood sugar.Insulin secreted, then lowers the sugar and causes the famous 11 o’clock crash.

Tip: add protein and a little fat

To deal with this strong secretion of insulin, and avoid this repercussion, it is necessary to invite a little fat and or proteins to the table of his breakfast. For example, I recommend putting a little butter on your toast, or eating salty proteins: an egg, a slice of ham or 30 g of cheese, fromage blanc or Skyr (low in fat and high in protein). These proteins and fats will help reduce the passage of sugar in the blood.

Another precaution, pay attention to hidden sugars and learn to read labels. For cereals, I recommend choosing those that provide less than 400 Kcal per 100g and have a reduced sugar content, close to 10g per 100g.

If, despite everything, the 11 o’clock crash is felt, you can eat a fruit but accompanied by 15 g of oilseeds (almonds or walnuts) to counterbalance the sugar intake.

Breakfast should represent 25% of daily energy intake

If this breakfast is so important, it is because it must represent 25% of the energy intake of our day. In other words, it determines the daily nutritional balance specific to each person. Men need to ingest 2500 daily calories and women 2000″, concludes the dietician.

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