TSE contradicts itself and revokes Baldizón’s registration

This occurs after the Public Ministry (MP) took action against the Court resolution to register the former founder of the extinct Líder party, by filing an amparo before the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ).

He Supreme Electoral Court (SEC) again retracted a resolution and after a meeting of the plenary session, revoked the registration of Manuel Antonio Baldizon Mendez as a candidate for deputy for the Cambio party.

This occurs after the Public Ministry (MP) took action against the Court resolution to register the former founder of the extinct Líder party, by filing an amparo before the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ).

The investigative body filed said appeal through the Office of the Prosecutor for Constitutional Affairs, Amparos and Habeas Corpus.

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They revoke the registration of Baldizón

“The action presented by the prosecution was carried out by virtue of not complying with the requirements established in article 113 of the constitution: capacity, suitability and honesty,” said the MP.

But added to the amparo presented by the investigative body, civil society organizations and even the Coordinating Committee of Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial and Financial Associations (CACIF), through its president, Hermann Girón, also issued a statement in this regard.

“Society should not think that a person who has been sentenced is suitable,” Girón assured in the “A Primera Hora” forum of Emisoras Unidas.

Denounce to magistrates

For their part, the organizations “First Guatemala” and “Guatemala Immortal” criminally denounced magistrates Irma Palencia, Mynor Franco and Alvaro Cordón (alternate) for voting in favor of Baldizón’s registration.

“The denounced magistrates are subject to the law and cannot act on it or ignore the constitutional precepts,” the organization said.

Three TSE magistrates are criminally denounced

For his part, Jorge Baldizón, son of Baldizón Méndez, through a press conference referred to the amparo filed by Roberto Arzú’s Podemos party, which also acted against the registration of the former presidential candidate in the last elections.

retracts again

In February of this year, the plenary session of magistrates upheld the appeal for annulment presented by the political party FCN-Nación against the candidacy of the presidential candidate from the Podemos political group.

Roberto Arzú and his political party are accused of early campaigning, which is why the party that brought Jimmy Morales to power filed an appeal for annulment and which was declared valid by the TSE magistrates.

However, and after the resolution to revoke the registration of Arzú and his running mate, on January 25 it was announced that the electoral body filed files related to the same argument for which today they are left out of the electoral process.

They revoke the registration of the presidential binomial of Podemos

* With PM information.

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