Turn on the first sign of “lymphoma”, anyone who has it, seek urgent medical attention before it spreads beyond correction.

Therefore, it responds quite well to chemotherapy drugs that act on the rapidly dividing cancer cells. This group must be treated immediately. If the patient is not treated May die in 6 months to 2 years, but if treated promptly There is a high chance of being cured of the disease. even in any distance Indolent lymphoma, which divides and spreads relatively slowly. The symptoms are gradual. not severe but chronic This group is rarely cured with currently available chemotherapy. therefore treat when there is an indication and periodically monitor symptoms Risk Factors and Causes of Lymphoma caused by both Both viral infections such as HIV, HCV, EBV, bacterial infections that cause chronic gastritis, heredity, low immunity from drug exposure, chemicals containing carcinogens such as pesticides. of lymphoma So you can do it by observing yourself. annual health check If you get sick, hurry to get treatment. Avoid direct contact with chemicals. and maintain a healthy body Lymphoma symptoms are categorized as systemic or B-symptom, such as fever of unknown origin lasting more than two weeks, night sweats, unexplained weight loss. or abnormal appetite Local symptoms caused by enlarged lymph nodes in that area, such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, flatulence, headache, etc.

Lymphoma Treatment Currently, chemotherapy is used in combination with targeted therapy, which has begun to be researched and used more today. shine in some cases and bone marrow transplants in recurrent cases. There is also a new treatment for relapsing disease using CAR-T cell therapy, which is still being researched in Thailand.

For more information on cancer from the National Cancer Institute, visit the Cancer Awareness website. http://allaboutcancer.nci.go.th/ anti-cancer fake news website https://thaicancernews.nci.go.th/_v2/ and Line: NCI knows how to fight cancer.

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