Twenty-four solar terms What is the meaning of Tanabata that makes you want to talk to people? –Weathernews

2022/07/07 05:00 Weathernews

“Xiaoshu” is the season when summer is in full swing. In the usual year, it often overlaps with the end of the rainy season, and it is the season when the heat gets harsher day by day. The period of hot and cold is called “hot”. It’s also the time to send a sympathy during the summer, taking care of the other person’s health.

It’s easy to get tired of the heat that clings to you, but I think you can also enjoy the summer.

Why is July 7th “Tanabata”?


It is said that “Tanabata” was born by combining the traditions that originally existed in Japan with the legends that were passed down from China in ancient times and the event called “Kikoden”. It has been handed down to this day while changing its shape.

Let’s start with the legend of ancient China.

In Chinese name, Altair in Aquila is called Kengyusei, and Vega in Lyra is called Orijosei. It was said that the cowman was a cowherd, and the Orijosei was the daughter of the Emperor, and was a master of weaving.

Although they are happy to get married, they become so absorbed in each other that they neglect their work. The angry Emperor separates them, but mourns them and allows them to meet once a year, only on July 7, across the Milky Way.

By the way, “Tanabata” is originally an event on July 7th of the lunar calendar, so it was around the beginning of autumn. Therefore, it is the autumn season word in Saijiki.

Speaking of Tanabata, there is also a custom of making a wish to the stars, but this is derived from an event called “Tanabata” in China. Tanabata is an event to celebrate the stars on July 7th and pray for the improvement of sewing and handicrafts.

In the Edo period, I started to write wishes on strips and hang them on bamboo grass.

On the other hand, in ancient Japan, a young woman stayed in a weaving hut and woven a garment dedicated to God prior to Obon. She called this woman “Tanabatatsume”.

It is said that the etymology of Tanabata comes from this Tanabata Tsume.

Also, in Japan, Vega has been called Hikoboshi, and Orihime has been called Orihimeboshi. (“Orihimeboshi” is sometimes abbreviated as “Orihime”. “)

In Tanabata, it is also customary to eat somen noodles.

Since I made a wish for a strip of paper, I looked up at the night sky, thought about the love story of the stars, and had somen noodles. This may be a peaceful day.

“Lotus flower” that blooms in the heat of the summer


In the 72nd season, which divides each of the 24 solar terms into three, the next sign of the small heat is “Hasu Hajime Hiraku”.

Certainly, you can see the lotus flowers that have bloomed during the hot summer months.

The lotus, which blooms beautiful flowers from the mud, is considered a sacred flower in Buddhism and is also a symbol of Sukhavati Jodo.

The rhizome of lotus root is familiar as a lotus root of vegetables. Lotus seeds may also be eaten as tea confectionery.

Lotus flowers can be seen in ponds, swamps, and rice fields in various places, but the lotus flowers bloom from dawn to early morning. It often deflate in the afternoon, so you’ll want to go early to see the lotus flowers.

Do you wear a “yukata” for summer festivals and fireworks displays?


“Yukata” is an abbreviation for “Yukatabira”.

In the old days when it was a steam bath, upper class people wore a hitoe when taking a bath. This is Yukatabira.

In the Edo period, when I began to soak in a bathtub, I began to wipe off the sweat after the bath and relax in a yukata.

After that, it became popular as a relaxing summer wear, but nowadays it is becoming more fashionable.

Events such as summer festivals and fireworks festivals have been canceled due to the influence of the new coronavirus, but it seems that some events will be held this summer (2022). If possible, it would be fun to wear a yukata and go out.

The “extreme heat” that has existed for a long time


Although it is a “small heat” before the “large heat”, in recent years, by the time of the small heat, the days of intense heat have already continued.

One of the expressions that expresses the severe heat of summer is “extreme heat.”

It seems that people in the old days were also suffering from the heat of summer. You can see that from the haiku at that time.

~ The heat of the veins coming up ~ Riichi Yokomitsu

~ My life is the heat of the heat ~ Hiromu Kira

The hot summer that can affect blood vessels and longevity. Today, we want to use air conditioners well to survive the harsh heat.

If you think that the heat is still coming after the heat, you will close your mouth, but I would like to take proper measures against heat stroke and enjoy the summer features and events.







Reference materials, etc.

Supervision / Keiko Yamashita: Writer. The theme is the beauty of Japanese and words from the Japanese calendar, such as “Twenty-four solar terms and the seventy-two seasons notebook” (Seibido Shuppan) and “Japanese beauty seventy-two seasons” (PHP Institute). There are many books that have been written.

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