Twitter will place limits on the number of tweets that can be read

2023-07-02 07:52:21

Musk explained that the platform has placed temporary restrictions on verified accounts that allow them to read a maximum of six thousand publications per day, adding that unverified accounts will be allowed to read 600 publications per day, while the limit for new unverified accounts will be 300 publications per day.

Musk stated in another tweet that the number will soon increase to eight thousand publications per day for users who have verified accounts, 800 publications per day for unverified accounts, and 400 for new users who have unverified accounts. Musk did not give more details about when the publications allowed to be read would be increased.

This step comes after the platform announced that it will require users to have accounts on it in order to be able to view tweets, a move that Musk described on Friday as a “temporary emergency measure.”

Musk said hundreds of organizations or more were scraping Twitter data “very aggressively,” which affected users’ experience.

Musk has previously expressed his displeasure with AI companies such as OpenAI, owner of chatbot GBT, for using Twitter data to train its massive language models.

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