UAE and India signed a trade corridor agreement

India and the United Arab Emirates have signed a trade corridor agreement aimed at connecting Europe to India by sea and rail through parts of the Middle East, a project backed by the US and the European Union.

According to the report of the news organizations “Reuters” and “AFP”, the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the United Arab Emirates has been seen during the elections that started in April.

The Indian prime minister will inaugurate the largest Hindu temple in the Middle East on Wednesday, a day after he will address thousands of expatriates at a community event in the capital Abu Dhabi.

According to experts, much of the focus of his visit is to mobilize the Indian diaspora, even though Indians in the UAE cannot vote from abroad.

Today, Narendra Modi met the President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, according to the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local official media, this is the fifth meeting of these leaders in 8 months.

India’s foreign ministry has said it has signed a number of agreements, including a bilateral investment treaty, which is a build-up to the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement signed in 2022.

According to the ministry’s statement, the agreement will promote understanding and cooperation and promote cooperation and regional connectivity between India and the UAE.

However, the Foreign Ministry’s statement did not mention any country except India and the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE’s foreign ministry did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment on the details of the deal.

According to a video shared on Narendra Modi’s YouTube channel, Sheikh Mohammed said in a meeting with the Indian Prime Minister on Tuesday that today our region is going through difficult times but we are optimistic because of our relationship with you. Looking forward to a future with India that matches our ambitions.

#UAE #India #signed #trade #corridor #agreement
2024-05-13 09:38:31

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