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The endless line to collect in front of the coffin of Elizabeth II continued to lengthen Friday in London, with more than 24 hours of waiting. Meanwhile, Charles III was given a standing ovation in Cardiff where he completed his tour of the country as new king.

Proof of the immense emotion aroused by the death of Queen Elizabeth II on September 8, the authorities had to temporarily suspend access to the long queue that formed to see the coffin of the monarch in Westminster on Friday. Lobby.

When it reopened in the afternoon, the government warned of a wait exceeding 24 hours in the line that winds for miles in London, and warned of cold night temperatures.

David Beckham

Like thousands of anonymous people, former football star David Beckham has waited patiently for more than 12 hours since 2:00 a.m., dressed in dark clothes. In front of the remains, he soberly bowed his head and wiped away a tear.

Those lucky enough to arrive in the building at the right time hoped to attend the “vigil of the princes” at the end of the day, during which the four children of Elizabeth II – Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward – will come to watch a quarter hour on their mother’s coffin.

For the occasion, Andrew, deprived of military titles following a sex scandal, was authorized to wear the uniform.

Eight of the Queen’s grandchildren are expected to do the same on Saturday evening.

Long live the king

This solemn moment will close for the new sovereign a day rich in emotion, during which he was applauded during the last leg of his tour of the four constituent nations of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales ).

“Long Live the King!” (“Long live the king!”): For about twenty minutes, the 73-year-old former Prince of Wales enjoyed a walkabout, shaking many hands.

He left with Queen Consort Camilla to the sound of the hymn ‘God Save the King’ sung by the public, after attending a church service and renewing his promise, in a speech partly in Welsh to Parliament, to follow the “example” of his mother.

But if the king was cheered by conquered spectators, a handful of anti-monarchists carrying placards with “abolish the monarchy” or “Democracy now”, were gathered in front of the castle.

Coincidentally, September 16 is also the day on which Wales celebrates the “rebel prince” Owain Glyndwr, the last Prince of Wales actually Welsh, who in 1400 had risen against the King of England.

A petition protesting against the transmission of the title of Prince of Wales – for some a symbol of English oppression – to the new heir to the throne William rather than to a Welshman has collected nearly 30,000 signatures.

Back in London, Charles III received the country’s religious leaders at Buckingham Palace.

2000 guests

The public will be able to parade until early morning Monday in front of the coffin of Elizabeth II, draped with the royal standard and adorned with the imperial crown, before the state funeral at 12 p.m. Swiss, the first since that of Winston Churchill in 1965 .

Then, a procession will accompany the coffin to Westminster Abbey where the funeral will be held.

Millions of people are expected to follow the event in front of their televisions on this public holiday in the United Kingdom.

Some 2,000 guests, including several hundred leaders from around the world, crowned heads, but also anonymous people decorated for their associative commitment, will attend the ceremony.

Joe Biden, Ursula von der Leyen, the Emperor of Japan, or even Emmanuel Macron or Ignazio Cassis are expected, while the Pope will be represented. The leaders of Russia, Afghanistan, Burma, Syria and North Korea were not invited.

The event represents an unprecedented security challenge for the United Kingdom, which has deployed an impressive system in the capital, with numerous reinforcements from all over the country.

“It will be the biggest event that the London police” have had to manage, Assistant Deputy Commissioner Stuart Cundy said on Friday, even bigger than the 2012 Olympics.

A few hours earlier, the attack on two police officers, stabbed in central London, which is not considered a terrorist act by the authorities, raised the tension a notch.


Many challenges await Charles III, who is often described, at 73, as a transitional king preceding his son, the popular William, but also as a modernizer anxious to reduce the wings of the monarchy.

Between Scotland’s desire for independence, community tensions in Northern Ireland, the economic and social crisis in the country, but also the republican temptations emerging in some of its 14 other kingdoms, he will have a lot to do to embody the unity of the nation.

Charles III’s first steps were deemed rather dignified, except for a few public gestures of annoyance much commented on the internet, with many waiting to see how he will don the costume of his immensely respected mother, and how he will handle crises. family.

This article has been published automatically. Sources: ats / blg / afp

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