Ultimate Spiritual Guide: Journeying through Umrah and Embracing a Life of Faith

2023-10-08 03:30:57

Manama: Friends Study Circle Swee for Umrah returnees Thank you. In the event held at the Friends Center, on the topic of ‘Umrak Shesham Enth’ MM Zubair delivered the lecture. Keep the spirituality gained through Umrah throughout your life. He said that he should be able to eat.

The thought of death and worldliness increase in the lives of believers. It must be due to Umrah. Prophets Ibrahim, Ismail, Prophet Muhammad and their Companions V is also a journey of memories through the lives of people. A journey through the pure land. Imitate their role models in life. He added that Those who performed Umrah shared their experiences with the audience. chu

Muhammadali KP, Muhammad Saneer Abbas, Abdul Latif, Arsal , Ashid PP, Hashim Abdul Ghafoor, Muneer EK, Shaneed, Al Amin, Muskan shared his experiences. Friends Study Circle General Secretary Abbas Malail presided over Awwab Zubair recitation of Quran in Hicha episode and P.P. Jasir also delivered the closing speech.

#Acceptance #Umrah #pilgrims #Madhyamam

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