Uncertainty and Challenges Surrounding COP28 in Dubai: Fund Location and Participants Remain Unresolved

2023-10-21 11:20:20

A COP28 still unclear

But much remained to be clarified before the next COP28 which will be held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12: its exact form, the beneficiary countries and the contributors – among whom the West would like to count China.

A transition committee on establishing the fund met late Friday night in Aswan (southern Egypt), but delegates found themselves unable to reach an agreement and dismissed a possible decision at another meeting from November 3 to 5 in the United Arab Emirates, according to a broadcast of the debates available on an official United Nations YouTube account.

Also read: The European Union will defend the virtual elimination of fossil fuels at COP28

The discussions notably stumbled over the location of the fund

Before their failure, the discussions notably stumbled over the location of the fund: within the World Bank, accused of being in the hands of the West, or in a new independent structure, requested by a number of developing countries, but which took a long time to implement. in place and complex to provide new money.

Echoing this, an official from the NGO Union of Concerned Scientists estimated that “today’s disappointing result constitutes a hard blow for populations (…) suffering a cascade of consequences from climate change”. “The United States and other rich countries seem more concerned with evading or minimizing their responsibilities,” added Rachel Cletus, quoted in a press release from her organization.

About the upcoming COP: The head of COP28, active in oil, pleads for CO2 capture

#Failed #negotiations #compensation #linked #climate #change

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