Unconventional Strategies: One-Shotting Bosses in Baldur’s Gate 3 Using Clever Tactics

2023-08-31 03:52:52

“Baldur’s Gate 3” (Baldur’s Gate 3) Subsequent chapters have many very difficult boss battles, among which the second chapter is widely known as the epic battle of the Tower of the Moonrise, but recently overseas players have found interesting “rich The clever trick of “Personal Tax Severe Hit” allowed him to kill the boss of the second chapter with one blow. Thunder warning! The following content will involve the main characters and content of the second chapter of “Baldur’s Gate 3”, please watch it at your discretion. Yes, there are many interesting mechanisms in “Baldur’s Gate 3” that can be applied to actual combat. Just like the previous 5000kg druid owl and bear crush, overseas player GoldenThane used a weapon “twisted luck” to find The method to instantly kill the second chapter boss “Catherick Thom”. This key equipment is the “Twisted Luck” mace dropped by “Gringoth the Toll Collector”. Players can choose to defeat him to obtain it (or use their mouth to escape). And “Twisted Luck” not only has guaranteed damage, but more importantly, it also has a special skill “Bloody Money”, which will cause an additional 3 points of piercing damage as long as the target has more than 300 gold coins. How I One-Shot the Act 2 Final Boss Using Economicsby u/GoldenThane in BaldursGate3 Smart Baldur players should know that in Baldur’s Gate 3, some players discovered the mechanism of “Reverse Pickpocket” before, Stealing is not only to steal NPC’s props, but also throw your own items to NPC. And GoldenThane used this mechanism to run stealthily behind General Thom, then steal 15,000 gold coins onto him, and hit General Thom with “Twisted Luck” in the second stage. Although 15,000 gold coins only add 150 points of piercing damage, these 50 damages will each trigger the passive “Cull the Weak” (Cull the Weak), each time an additional 1-4 points of damage are added, enough to kill a BOSS with 225 HP . In fact, the key to this gameplay lies in the application of “anti-pickpocketing”, because most players who steal things will only remember what they want to steal, and few people will think about giving things to NPCs. And GoldenThane uses the same mechanism to pack a cursed corpse into a box, and through the camp item transmission mechanism and “anti-pickpocketing”, find a way to secretly stuff the corpse on Gotash, and directly poison him with the corpse. It’s a very mind-blowing game. Killing You Enemies via Necromantic Postal Serviceby u/GoldenThane in BaldursGate3 Like “Oracle: Original Sin 2”, “Baldur’s Gate 3” is full of many applicable mechanisms to pass the level, from the earliest invisibility bombs, until now money strikes , all show the creative freedom that this game can use in combat, as long as you want it, you have the opportunity to try it out.

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