Underage as “boss”: Cyber ​​gang cheated bank customers for 350,000 euros

In addition to the youth, 24 other people were arrested in Barcelona, ​​Málaga and Cádiz, the police said on Sunday. According to the information available so far, the gang cheated around 200 bank customers out of a total of 350,000 euros within just two months.

In six house searches, the stolen data of around 100,000 bank customers from a total of 18 banks were seized in addition to fake firearms, mobile phones, drugs and cash worth 10,000 euros.

The gang operated the data theft with the help of fraudulent emails, SMS, WhatsApp messages or calls. The young boss, whose age was initially not disclosed, not only created the digital tools to carry out his own scams, but also sold them to other criminal organizations.


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