Understanding and Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis for Optimal Health

2024-05-13 10:30:25

A young physical education teacher from Penghu one day discovered severe pain in his finger joints and was unable to dribble normally. At first he thought it was a sports injury and went to the rehabilitation department for help. However, he sought treatment several times without success. After a thorough examination, he discovered that it was rheumatoid arthritis.

Director of the Hospital Affiliated to Fu Jen Catholic University, Cai Changyou, said that rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic autoimmune disease in the early stages of the disease, it is often confused with sports injuries or joint degeneration , thus missing the golden period of treatment. He recalled that to avoid continued deterioration of the joints, immunomodulatory drugs will be used first if the disease is not well controlled, intervention by “biological agent” will be evaluated. This physical education teacher is treated with agents organic1has2The symptoms were relieved after several months and physical education was resumed.

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Don’t ignore it, people prone to hair problems! Women are more likely to have the disease

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not yet clear. What is more certain is that the “gene” is one of the main factors of the disease. Director Cai Changyou said that in general, the age of onset of rheumatoid arthritis is around30has50Years, but there are also cases of onset in adolescents, and the incidence rate in “women” is higher than in men.3arrive4times, so if your loved ones have a history of rheumatoid arthritis, you should pay more attention to your physical condition.

Dr. Cai Changyou said that the patient’s tumor necrosis factor(TNF)When cytokines are secreted in greater quantities, these factors can easily lead to inflammatory reactions, causing patients to experience stiffness, redness, swelling, warmth and joint pain when they get up in the morning. He mentioned that rheumatoid arthritis often occurs in the peripheral joints of the limbs and is symmetrical. Therefore, once you notice that you are experiencing symmetrical pain in the joints of your fingers or toes and it is getting worse day by day, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Bone damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis is often irreversible. If the golden period of treatment is missed, even if the disease is controlled with medication, joint deformity and bone damage will remain irreversible.

Dr. Cai Changyou said that if rheumatoid arthritis is not treated and controlled immediately, it could eventually lead to deformity of the finger joints like

Dr. Cai Changyou said that if rheumatoid arthritis is not treated and controlled immediately, it could eventually lead to deformity of the finger joints like “alien hands”, which would affect daily life.

Auxiliary diagnosis of rheumatoid factor Several treatment options to effectively control the disease

Current diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis relies on blood tests to detect rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated antibodies, white blood cell counts and platelet counts in the body, combined with ultrasound andXImaging tools such as light can be used to determine the degree of inflammation and bone destruction.

Dr. Cai Changyou mentioned that the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis initially adopted a “pyramid” or “inverted pyramid” drug policy. In recent years it has been replaced by “combination therapy” which uses steroids and anti-inflammatory painkillers. and oral administration. Interactive use of immunomodulatory drugs. However, the effect of this method is still limited, and long-term use of steroids may be associated with side effects such as “moon face”, “buffalo shoulder” and “osteoporosis”. drugs targeted at small molecules were then used, such as “tumor necrosis factor inhibitors”.(Anti-TNF)so that the inflammatory pathway of rheumatoid arthritis can be effectively blocked, allowing the disease to achieve more stable control.

Dr. Cai Changyou emphasized that the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are irreversible and therefore early detection and treatment are crucial. With today’s diverse and advanced treatment methods, patients can successfully control their disease and treat it as a chronic disease if they follow the doctor’s instructions and do not stop taking the medication on their own. chief.

【This article was awarded “Health Medical Network“Reproduced with permission. 】

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