Understanding and Treating Vitiligo: Expert Advice and Treatment Options

2024-05-13 07:55:25

[메디컬투데이=최민석 기자] If you notice unidentifiable white spots or speckled discoloration on the surface of your skin, it is best to suspect vitiligo and see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Indeed, the earlier vitiligo appears, the more melanocytes remain, which makes the treatment more effective.

Vitiligo is an acquired autoimmune disease in which the body’s melanocytes are destroyed, causing whitening of the skin. It is not life-threatening, but if left untreated, the lesion may spread or enlarge, making nonsurgical treatment difficult or easily leading to an appearance complex. Additionally, this skin disease is a disease that requires treatment because it causes people to avoid people and have difficulty in social life.

One of the reasons why it is difficult to diagnose vitiligo is that there are confusing diseases. Since it can be confused with other diseases such as post-inflammatory hypopigmentation, depigmented nevus, pityriasis alba, idiopathic erythrohypopigmentation and rim-shaped nevus, which can give the skin the appearance of white spots, an accurate diagnosis must be made through treatment by a doctor. dermatologist. Treatment is important.

When the lesion is small, excimer laser treatment is suitable, and when the extent of depigmentation is significant, whole body phototherapy is suitable. Among them, excimer is a high-power short-wavelength laser which has a great effect on stabilizing inflammatory immune cells and stimulating melanocytes to promote pigment production. There is little pain, so no anesthesia is needed, and there is no risk of stretch marks or thinning skin, so even children can receive them.
▲ Director Son Hyo-seong (Photo = provided by Starmi Dermatology Clinic)
If the lesion is old and the melanocytes are completely lost or healing is not possible even after 1-2 years of treatment, it is better to consider surgical treatment such as micro-epidermal sand grain grafting ( SST skin graft). The micro-skin transplantation method, also called “sand grain skin grafting” or “rice seedling transplantation”, uses a fine punch of 0.4-0.5mm. This is done by removing normal skin into microscopic pieces the size of a grain of sand or smaller, then transplanting them into symptomatic skin. The principle is that when normal skin cells are transplanted into an affected area with abnormal symptoms, melanin cells, responsible for skin color, are activated and spread to the surrounding area, returning to normal skin color .

Results were good when applied to curved skin areas or joints such as the face and neck, which are known to be incurable due to difficulties with phototherapy and excimer laser treatment, and Good results can be expected from combined treatment with excimer. Although it is a surgical method, there are fewer concerns about bleeding or pain, reducing the burden of the recovery period. In addition to vitiligo, it is also effective in treating depigmented scars, which is why treatments using it are sometimes carried out.

Director Son Hyo-seong of Stami Dermatology Clinic in Busan said, “Many patients think that vitiligo is an incurable skin disease and neglect treatment or miss the ideal time. Nowadays, thanks to the development of medical technology, sufficient treatment is possible in many cases. Therefore, it is advisable not to give up but to find professional medical personnel with extensive clinical experience and start treatment as early as possible.

[ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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