Understanding Animal Welfare Laws in Saudi Arabia: Punishments for Torturing Baboons

2024-04-12 21:10:01

A video of a man torturing baboons was spread on social media, and this aroused the anger and dissatisfaction of everyone who saw the video, wondering what is the punishment for this man and everyone who does this in an area known for the presence of this type of monkey?

There are also strict and deterrent penalties awaiting the owner of the monkey torture video, which are financial penalties ranging from 50,000 to 400,000 riyals, according to animal welfare laws.

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The Saudi Ministry of Agriculture also emphasized that torturing and abusing animals through beating, starvation, or any method of action is forbidden by humanity and Islamic law. The Kingdom punishes perpetrators with financial penalties of up to 400,000 riyals, and up to imprisonment and defamation.

Saudi Arabia is working to combat baboons because of their widespread distribution and their transformation into a harmful and destructive animal. It has also banned citizens from feeding them and imposed a fine on anyone who feeds them.

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