“Understanding Animal Welfare: The Role of WOSA and Recent Rescue Cases”

2023-05-09 17:22:31

Not everyone knows that the World Organization for Animal Health (WOSA) is responsible for international standards on animal health and welfare, and veterinary public health. That body establishes the five freedoms of animal welfare, breached in a recent case of rescuing a dog in the south of Quito.

Globally recognized, they describe society’s expectations regarding the conditions to which animals are subjected when they are under human control.

  1. Free from hunger, thirst and malnutrition.
  2. Free from fear and anguish.
  3. Free of physical and thermal discomfort.
  4. Free from pain, injury and disease.
  5. Free to manifest natural behavior.

The OMSA defines animal welfare, according to its Terrestrial Code “the physical and mental state of an animal in relation to the conditions in which it lives and dies”.

Rescue in Quito

The Quito Animal Welfare Unit (UBA) rescued a puppy from a house located in Solanda, which was in deplorable conditions. This was achieved after inspecting a situation of animal abuse.

“We found a dog whose guardian kept him against the 5 freedoms of animal welfare”

The dog was removed as a temporary protection measure. In addition, the previous action report of the sanctioning process was prepared.

The puppy was put in a safe place by the authorities.

The Metropolitan Ordinance refers to animal abuse as the act of causing physical, psychological, or emotional harm to any animal, whether by direct action, omission, or human negligence, regardless of the intention of the abuser.

The UBA establishes sanctions and infractions that are detailed in the Municipal Code, which are divided into minor, serious and very serious.

Minor infractions: 30% of a unified basic remuneration, that is, USD 135.50.

Serious Offenses: a unified basic remuneration, that is, USD 450.

• Very serious offences: Ten unified basic salaries, that is, USD 4,500.


• Evident mistreatment with material evidence (videos).

• Notorious abandonment (video).

• Run over.

• Raise or train animals to participate in fights.

• Chain animals as usual method.

• Cause death.


• Do not keep animals within private property.

• Causing annoyance to the neighbors due to noise or bad smells.

• Not seeking preventative and curative veterinary care.

• Leave animals alone in parked vehicles.

• Having a number of pets that prevents you from complying with animal welfare, among others.


• Allow them to roam without a collar, leash, or identification.

• Do not pick up the droppings.

• Not complying with their vaccinations and deworming.

• Failure to comply with the rules of use in public canine areas, among others.

#freedoms #animal #welfare #complies

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