Understanding Different Types of Belly Fat and How to Lose It: A Comprehensive Guide

2023-08-05 04:01:28

If it is round like a ball, or if only the upper or lower abdomen comes out

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A round belly fat like a ball is often seen in middle-aged men, and it is a form of visceral fat accumulated. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]As the heat continues, revealing clothes can be easily found on the streets. Particularly in the summer, people tend to pay more attention to their belly fat when they wear clothes. The risk to health may vary depending on the type of belly fat, so it is better to check your belly fat type before losing weight.

If your stomach is chubby, it’s an emergency situation.

Even if you have belly fat, if it folds from the top, you should take it as an emergency signal for your health. When both the upper and lower abdomen come out and fold around the navel line, it means that there is visceral fat in the upper belly and subcutaneous fat in the lower belly. Ultimately, this type means that both subcutaneous and internal fat are adversely affected.

Visceral fat increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease, and subcutaneous fat puts strain on the musculoskeletal system of the lower body. When you catch belly fat, you have to lose weight until you feel that the thickness has decreased. In other words, you need a long-term diet until you lose all of your subcutaneous fat.

If you have a protruding belly, you should only pay attention to abdominal obesity

If only the lower abdomen comes out, it is the beginning of the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. It is often seen in relatively young people, and even among those who do not have a high body fat rate, there are many cases where only the lower abdomen comes out. This type does not cause a major health problem, but if left unattended, visceral fat can gradually accumulate and cause abdominal obesity, so care is needed.

In fact, the type with only the lower belly protruding is often caused by poor posture. A hunched back can cause your abdominal muscles to lose strength and your belly fat to protrude, so you need to try to maintain a good posture.

A belly round like a ball common among middle-aged men?

A round belly fat like a ball is often seen in middle-aged men, and it is a form of visceral fat accumulated. In particular, testosterone, a male hormone, and estrogen, a female hormone, have the property of suppressing visceral fat.

Since visceral fat causes various diseases, it is better to remove it as soon as possible. The longer the visceral fat is maintained, the more it flows into the blood, and the risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia may increase due to hormone secretion promoted by fat cells.

What if belly fat continues from the hips and thighs after giving birth?

This type is often found in women. It is especially common in women who work sedentary after giving birth. Women have a thick layer of fat in the abdominal layer during pregnancy to protect the fetus, and if this fat is not lost after childbirth, it will settle as belly fat. If left unattended, it can lead to visceral fat, so it is good to manage belly fat in advance through diet and stretching.

#Abdominal #fat #emergency…Upper #belly #question

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