Understanding Intestinal Metaplasia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2023-10-06 09:40:34

[메디컬투데이=김준수 기자] When we think of gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, gastric ulcers, stomach cramps, and reflux esophagitis usually come to mind first. However, one of the chronic gastrointestinal diseases that occurs surprisingly frequently is intestinal metaplasia. Although this disease is unfamiliar, it develops chronically from gastritis, so symptoms must be carefully checked and actively treated.

Gastritis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the stomach mucosa. It can easily occur due to poor eating habits or stress, but if acute gastritis is not treated in time, it can become chronic and symptoms such as heartburn and indigestion may persist. And if chronic gastritis is left untreated, it develops into intestinal metaplasia, causing the stomach mucosa to resemble the intestinal mucosa.

Intestinal metaplasia is a disease in which tissue resembling the intestines develops in the stomach due to metaplasia of epithelial tissue. Intestinal metaplasia can increase the chance of developing stomach cancer even if no clear symptoms appear immediately, so it is important to treat it quickly.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check the condition of gastritis and intestinal metaplasia, and confirm specific problems through a gastric conduction test or gastrointestinal test. In addition, treatment should be done after understanding various aspects other than daily lifestyle habits and constitution.

▲ Honorary Director Ryu Bong-ha (Photo = Provided by Kyung Hee Ryu Oriental Medical Clinic)
In oriental medicine, when treating gastritis, you take herbal medicine that suits your constitution and symptoms, and use acupuncture and moxibustion to warm the abdomen and improve gastrointestinal motility. In addition, individual lifestyle management should be carried out, such as maintaining a diet that suits your constitution and changing habits such as drinking, smoking, consuming caffeine, and taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In order to treat already chronic gastritis, it is important to proceed with treatment over a long period of time and improve each person’s bad habits. Additionally, if intestinal metaplasia has occurred, regular tests should be performed to check whether the degree of gastritis has changed and whether there is a possibility of it developing into stomach cancer.

Ryu Bong-ha, honorary director of Kyung Hee Ryu Oriental Medicine Clinic, said, “Gastritis is a very common disease in modern people. If treated quickly in the beginning, there is no major problem, but if it becomes chronic, it is difficult to treat and can develop into intestinal metaplasia, so caution is required. “If your current gastritis symptoms have been prolonged, you need to quickly identify the symptoms and receive personalized treatment,” he advised.

Medical Today Reporter Junsu Kim ([email protected])

[저작권자ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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