Understanding Lupus Symptoms: Identifying the Most Common Manifestations and Organ Afflictions

2023-09-18 04:50:29

— Lupus is called the disease with a thousand faces due to its different symptoms. List the most common ones?

— Lupus progresses differently in each person. At the onset of the disease, a powerful release of interferon occurs, as happens with the onset of influenza or coronavirus infection, resulting in weakness, fatigue, aches, joint pain, fever, and chills. Further symptoms depend on in which organs the process of damage begins.

Lupus can affect the central nervous system – then neurolupus occurs (the general name for lesions of the nervous system in SLE – Ed.), which can have various manifestations, from headaches to psychosis. The kidneys can also be affected, and then glomerulonephritis develops – a fairly serious disease that requires immediate treatment, because it can be fatal. In addition, arthritis, dermatitis, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, headaches, damage to peripheral nerves can occur against the background of SLE – lupus can manifest itself in a very diverse manner.

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