Understanding Mental Health: Navigating Demotivation, Depression, and Finding Motivation

2024-01-17 15:05:26

It’s just a new dawn, but everything remains the same, I write these letters with a mood tonight, and I’m going to do an experiment, I’ll write again tomorrow, to analyze my motivation in the morning. My return to this keyboard this time is to talk about Mental Health, as it is a topic that has kept me thinking lately and which I previously took for granted.

A new year began, according to the calendar and according to our customs, traditions and beliefs; As the last week of December arrives, many scenarios of daily life come to a halt and it is as if several sectors were ironically frozen in time to wait for the change of year, everything is waiting, even hopes, appointments, promises, the purposes, the expectations.

That countdown before midnight seems eternal and is a metaphor for the end and beginning of a cycle. It is as if on January 2, life was reset and everything started again, and I say two because the first is as if it did not exist, I repeat in many areas, airports, hospitals, some commercial businesses, very few, function normally; but in general that January 1st is like part of that pause in the nebula in which our mind continues scheming incessantly and that has begun like this from the counting and the ringing of the clock hands: ¨tic toc, tic toc¨, “It’s five to twelve, the year is going to end, I’m going to run home to hug my mom,” those who are lucky enough to have her, of course.

Those who find themselves with the grapes, the suitcases and other omens, enter into a rush and anguish typical of everything that has to happen in those minutes, a euphoria that when it is already 12:05 goes down like the foam of the champagne toast. and everything continues as if nothing had happened. But this whole scenario is as if it had been meticulously articulated, as if everything was synchronized on purpose so that the heart, mind and life are filled with anxiety, nostalgia, self-judgments and a lot of purposes; some achievable, others more fanciful and that depend on so many internal and external elements, foreign to us.

We lived that moment like a movie of drama, suspense, comedy and all the other emotions that come together to reach its climax with the embrace of midnight. However, with the new dawn of what was not just any night, no! It was the night of the end of the year and it is the beginning of a new year, comes a new opportunity to begin and for the new year be better than the previous one, what a great mental responsibility.

I couldn’t resume my writing the next morning, a few days passed before I could resume; My mood when writing this afternoon is definitely different and there was a great factor during this pause, which changed my feeling and which leads me to the first conclusion of what I will explain here: Motivation, enthusiasm for life or depression. And that factor was the meeting with a great friend, a mentor who taught me how to make a road map that gave me order, focus and enthusiasm. My first conclusion is: The importance of surrounding yourself with valuable people who contribute to you and add to your well-being.

The change of year impacts the psychological aspect, because people consciously or unconsciously think in cycles, our brain works this way due to cultural influence. Feeling that a cycle is closing and that with it opportunities are gone, it generates anxiety in us and although physically no biological changes occur, a deep reflection is generated on the objectives achieved in various aspects, versus the passage of our age, even if we do not want to. We take stock of what we have experienced that can make us sad, nostalgic or happy.

How we judge ourselves or how we demand of ourselves gives rise to states of anxiety or demotivation that, if managed correctly and in time, can in deep stages lead to depression.

Demotivation can affect our vital energy to get up every day to pursue our goals or simply do our duty; We feel that we are not moving forward and it manifests itself in our daily lives as a blockage that generates unrest or anxiety and we do not understand why. This anxiety appears that presents itself with fears, with restlessness, with restlessness or indifference towards life, due to not being able to meet our goals, but worse still, not feeling the desire to achieve them and all our desires remain in our mind, because this feeling is becoming stronger than ourselves.

But how to combat it? Here come my other conclusions on this topic that we can never take for granted. My mother always repeated it and it is one of those wise phrases that resonate in my head, “one must always have a project”, a project that moves our minds, and leads us to execute actions to move it forward and hopefully also makes our heart beat. heart, even better!

Establish clear, short-term goals that we can achieve step by step, achievable goals that together lead us to build more ambitious goals, why not? Let’s allow ourselves to dream big and pursue it, put our thoughts and actions in order, prioritize. Let’s look for opportunities for growth and development, never stop learning something new that we are passionate about; Accompanying ourselves with healthy habits within our routines is essential, fulfilling ourselves, and having our environment recognize our efforts and performance is also key to feeling motivated; This is something typical of human beings and that is why the importance of those we surround ourselves with.

I touched on the topic of depression and I don’t want to leave without closing it, because often the characteristics of demotivation can be confused with depression; However, depression is an infinite and profound issue, which must be treated with great respect. Losing the willpower, the spirit, the enthusiasm that drives us every day, a state of pessimism that blocks us, is demotivation, these symptoms that come to permeate different spheres of an individual’s life in a deeper and more lasting state can be a depression that requires treatment and professional help.

The most important thing is to be alert about ourselves or our circle to be able to take measures in time for emotional and mental well-being.

Journalist and presenter

#Mental #Health #granted

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