Understanding The Science Behind Weight Loss and Dieting

2023-11-22 08:34:00

Money Today Mid-term & Start-up Team | 2023.11.22 17:34

-Column by Park Seon-hee, Director of Yeorihan Diet Cheongdam Main Branch

If you decide to go on a diet, you wonder what kind of exercise to do and how to control your diet.

Usually, in order to lose weight, the first exercise is to exercise, and the second is to control food by eating low-calorie salads, etc. Even after that, if you don’t lose weight, you think it’s because your basal metabolic rate is low, so you exercise and control your diet, but you actually think you’ll lose all the weight, but the reality is that’s not the case.

Yeorihan Diet, a renowned specialty brand, Cheongdam Main Branch Director Park Seon-hee/Photo courtesy of Yeorihan Diet If you work hard to lose 2-3kg, the weight will come back due to company dinners and gatherings, so many customers are looking for obesity management diet brands. These days, it’s difficult to lose weight and the reason you gain it again quickly is because there is pressure due to a different lifestyle than before. Modern people, who have changed from the past, move less and consume more sugar nutrients, resulting in sugar load. Sugar load refers to the phenomenon in which more sugar comes in than you can handle, which actually reduces your ability to process sugar. For example, if I do more work than I can do, I get overloaded. When you are overloaded, your concentration decreases and your efficiency also decreases. The concept of pressure is similar. If more sugar enters the cell than it can process, its processing ability declines further. The biggest problem with glucose load is that my basal metabolic rate is falling further and further. Basal metabolic rate is the energy consumed when there is no activity, that is, the movement of cells. Cells come together to form tissues. The major tissue that affects basal metabolic rate is muscle.

Muscle tissue can be broadly divided into three types: skeletal muscle, visceral muscle, and cardiac muscle. In order to increase your basal metabolic rate, it is better to increase your internal muscles and cardiac muscles together rather than just the skeletal muscles.

A way to strengthen internal muscles is through heat transfer through blood. Heat promotes blood circulation, supplying nutrients to cells and discharging waste products, making them work better, and is also transmitted to internal cells in the body.

When your internal cells work well, your basal metabolic rate increases. There are two ways to transfer heat to the blood: manual therapy and half-body bathing. Manual management has the advantage of generating heat by treating muscles in the opposite direction and allowing you to manage muscles that you do not normally use.

A half-body bath uses convection as a heat transfer method. Heat is transferred to body temperature in a way that heat is transferred as molecules in the heated liquid or gas state move directly. If you figure out why you gained weight and lose weight using a diet method that suits you, you can succeed in dieting.

Sugar has the advantage of being an energy source, but it has the disadvantage of being highly permeable. In order to take advantage of the benefits of sugar, plants create something called dietary fiber, which prevents sugar from seeping in quickly. Therefore, carbohydrates that exist in nature always exist together with dietary fiber.

Representative examples of carbohydrates from which dietary fiber has been removed are processed foods. In processed foods, dietary fiber is removed during the cooking process. When you eat processed foods, sugar enters the blood quickly, causing glucose load. It is best to avoid foods that have had dietary fiber removed, such as processed foods.

If you are not losing weight as well as before, try changing your diet. Then you will be able to diet healthily. Written by/Park Seon-hee, director of Yakson Myeongga specialty brand Yeolihan Diet Cheongdam main branch

[저작권자 @머니투데이, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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