“Unforgettable Wedding Night: When Newlyweds Encounter a Scary Surprise”

2023-04-23 20:00:00

If until then everything was perfect on their wedding day, a detail came to stain the evening of Delphine and Jonathan. When the newlyweds go upstairs to discover the room in which they will spend their first night together, an unpleasant surprise awaits them: their room is far from being the most welcoming in the world.

Barely returned, Jonathan sees a wedding dress placed on a mannequin, something that does not reassure him. “That, on the other hand, sucks. Every time, it will move during the night“. Same story with Delphine who can’t find anything reassuring in the sequel. “The bedroom, it freaks out It looks like something is going to come out of the closet. (…) We like horror movies, but here we are right in it“, she said, laughing.

Fortunately, this somewhat scary-looking room does not prevent them from remaining positive and even showing humor. “I will go to sleep in the shower“, exclaims Delphine discovering the bathroom.

In any case, for Jonathan, one thing is certain: “I think we’re not going to sleep very far from each other“.

Surely a night they won’t forget.

#horror #movies #there.. #Delphine #Jonathans #night #planned

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