unions and organizations will cut the center

2023-12-27 03:55:00

Guilds and social organizationspeople from Neuquén will take to the streets to reject the DNU of President Javier Milei with one new day of fight this Wednesday. The call is at the San Martín monument. “Down with Milei’s adjustment, out with Bullrich’s protocol,” they detailed in the letter. Furthermore, the Union Front will deliver an Appeal against the decree in the Superior Court of Justice.

ATEN capital called for a march today at 10 at the San Martín monument. “We defeated the DNU with a strike and in the streets,” they said in a statement. From the union they pointed out the rejection of the adjustment and the anti-picket protocol from the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich.

At the same time, They made special mention of the Omnibus Law, a package of laws that Milei will send with modifications that contemplate the reduction of Ministries, structures and political jobs-; changes in the economic regime, aiming to provide greater levels of freedom, commercial openness, reform in the energy area and progressive changes in the exchange regime; and reforms in political and, possibly, electoral matters.

In the center of Neuquén and a few blocks from the monument, the Guild Front composed by (Aten capital, Sejun, Anel UPCN and Siprosapune, will also hold a protest.

It’s about the delivery of an appeal against Milei’s DNU in the Superior Court of Justice, at 52 Alberdi Street, at the same time. “We present a request in defense of the Constitution and our rights,” they stated.

Both protests They will take place simultaneously in the center of the city of Neuquén.

Protests against Milei’s DNU in Neuquén: the PO made its own call

For his part, the Polo Obrero (PO) also called to demonstrate in the streets of Neuquén. Although the claim goes against the measures of the national government and the economic policy of Javier Milei, from space they highlighted differences with the union front, to which they complained for its absence in the other marches that have already been held in Neuquén.

“Unfortunately, the response of the leaders of the Guild Front was negative to our call to unify this Wednesday’s action in the streets,” explained the PO in a statement.

«Given the refusal to unify by the Guild Front, as a Multisector, we confirm our call to concentrate and march tomorrow Wednesday from 10 at the San Martín Monument«, they communicated separating themselves from the call made by the CGT, ATEN (province) and CTA unions that will march for the first time in Neuquén since Javier Milei took office.

#unions #organizations #cut #center

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