University of Antioquia: medical graduates will present a proposal for health reform | Antioch

Due to the great controversy that the health issue in the country brings these days, the UdeA Graduates of Medicine Association will present a proposal regarding the reform of the Ministry of Health, headed by Carolina Corcho, who according to them, will put an end to the monopoly that the EPS In colombia.

It is mainly regarding creating a single fund for the management of health resources in the countrywith the objective that the Health Risk Administration or ADRES, not be an intermediary in financial risk management in the EPS and that does not appear as a health service provider entity through vertical entry.

With this it is hoped that they can create EPS as sole health managers urgently focus on the primary health care for all families to be part of them.

According to the president of the UdeA Medicine Graduates Association, Sergio Durán García, this is a necessary fix that will allow us to advance and collect experiences of the system that we have.

“The EPS must continue with their experience and contributing to the system, but no longer working on financial risk but on health risk. The financial risk must be assumed by the national government so that these health service providers focus only on health issues”, said.

This and other requests such as give more guidance and protection to health affiliates in the country and eliminate the self-contracting of serviceswill be presented in the room next to the departmental assembly site in front of the deputies of Antioquia that will take the proposals directly to the Ministry of Health.

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