“Unlocking the Hidden Potential: The Role of Endogenous Retrovirus (ERV) in Fighting Cancer”

2023-04-17 04:19:00

▲The endogenous retrovirus (ERV) that “parasitizes” in human DNA may be the key to fighting cancer. (Schematic / Piqsels)

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Scientists have discovered an endogenous retrovirus (ERV) that has “parasitic” on human DNA for millions of years and may hold the key to fighting or even preventing cancer. When cancer cells in the human body are out of control, the virus that was originally dormant will be awakened, and at the same time, it will help the immune system to attack the tumor precisely.

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According to the “BBC” report, 5% to 8% of retroviruses are known in the human genome sequence, the oldest of which can be traced back to tens of millions of years ago, and the most recent is only thousands of years. When studying lung cancer, the Francis Crick Institute in the UK found that B cells, which play an important role in fighting infectious diseases including new coronary pneumonia, have a special connection with the process of gathering around tumors.

The researchers found that the remnants of the virus that cannot be fully revived will be awakened by uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, and use a mechanism that is not yet clear to allow the immune system that detects the resurrection of the virus to “unintentionally” lock and eliminate cancer cells. Thereby suppressing and preventing further spread of cancer cells. Ironically, DNA-invading retroviruses may be the oldest cause of cancer in humans, but they are now helping the body’s immune system fight cancer cells.

Dr. Claire Bromley of Cancer Research UK pointed out that cancer cells have almost unlimited evolutionary ability, which makes it sometimes difficult for existing medical technologies to prevent the spread of cancer cells. If the retrovirus can help the immune system to clear cancer cells The key reason is not only to fight cancer, but also to develop a “preventive vaccine” to reduce the threat of cancer to human health.

further reading
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