Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Blood Types and IQ Levels

2023-08-13 07:55:01

4 blood types “Smart Ranking” released. (Schematic / pixabay)

As the post-90s and 00s become the main force for giving birth, more and more people have begun to raise their babies carefully. Mothers will not only care about their children’s material life, but also pay attention to their children’s personality and future development. “Sohu.com” reported that each baby has its own personality, because each baby has its own genetic program, which also has a certain relationship with the child’s “blood type”, and different blood types mean the child’s IQ level There will also be differences.

First place, AB type

Children with AB blood type have very good observation ability. In addition, this kind of children also have very good memory. These characteristics are a very big advantage for children, whether it is for children’s study or life. In addition, type AB also has the advantages of children with type A and B blood, which means that children can analyze problems from both sides, think more divergently, and consider things more comprehensively when solving problems.

Second place, type O

Type O is also known as universal blood. A child with this blood type has a natural advantage, that is, he can transfuse blood to any blood type, so it is also called the strongest blood type. O-type children are generally more mature and wise. This advantage is unmatched by children of other blood types. In addition, O-type children will also have higher emotional intelligence, better communication, learning ability and memory. very prominent.

Third place, Type A

Type A children are generally more rigorous and conservative in thinking, respect the rules in doing things, and don’t know how to be flexible, which is what we often call dead-headed. It gives people a feeling of being dull and introverted. Children with this blood type are slower to learn, but they have more ideas of their own.

Fourth place, type B

Relevant test reports show that Type B children have a relatively low IQ level. This is because Type B people are more sensitive to people and things, and they tend to be emotional when they encounter things, and they are particularly sensitive. However, although type B children are generally not very smart in IQ, if they find out what the child is interested in, the child’s social skills will also explode, and the affinity is not possessed by other blood types.

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