Unraveling Mars: Insights on the Largest Recorded Earthquake and Planetary Crust Movement

2023-10-23 01:01:00
Hamburger 23 Oct. 2023 08:01 a.m. Share news column on May 4th. InSight of NASA, United States, which is a geological survey vehicle on the surface of Mars. A major earthquake on Mars has been detected, recording a magnitude 4.7. This was unexpected to scientists. Since the information available is that Mars does not have a tectonic plate, planetary scientists of Oxford University in England, which has continued to study this matter. It is said that this earthquake is the largest ever recorded on Mars. Even the 4.7 magnitude figure is quite normal by Earth’s standards. But it is considered very harsh for our planetary neighbor. Scientists therefore suspect that the culprit was a meteorite that hit Mars and caused an earthquake. But the search for the crater has reached a dead end. But recently, scientists have concluded that this large earthquake was caused by the movement of the planet’s crust. This shows that faults on Mars can cause earthquakes. This analysis marks an important step forward in our understanding of seismic activity on Mars. And it brings scientists one step closer to unraveling the processes of planetary crust. However, Insight will retire in 2022 after working on the Red Planet for four years. There are quite a few works. In particular, 1,319 earthquakes were detected there. divmargin:0 -15px;@media (max-width:767.98px).css-x9zhmpwidth:100vw;max-width:inherit;margin:30px -15px;]]>
#Scientists #analyze #major #earthquakes #Mars

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