Unsweetened Juices and Sugar-free Drinks: Not the Ideal Diet Foods – What You Need to Know

2023-08-16 06:03:48

Unsweetened juices, sugar-free drinks… not diet food

Enter 2023.08.16 15:03 Hits 21 Enter 2023.08.16 15:03 Edit 2023.08.16 15:30 Hits 21 Even if a product packaging says ‘no added sugar’, it may contain sugar. Unsweetened juices and unsweetened beverages are not diet foods. [사진=클립아트코리아]

There are cases in which so-called ‘sweetened drinks’ are chosen out of fear that they may gain weight. It is a drink that does not add ‘sugar’. If you drink unsweetened beverages frequently because you are hungry after significantly reducing fatty foods and carbohydrates, can you successfully lose weight?

Unsweetened juice, unsweetened drinks?… not diet food

Sugar-free juices and sugar-free drinks are often thought of as containing no sugar at all. However, according to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, even if there is a label that emphasizes ‘no added sugar’, it may contain sugar. In particular, monosaccharides such as fructose produce high calories, so unsweetened juice should not be mistaken for diet food (data from the Korean Society for Obesity). Whenever you buy a factory-made beverage, you need to check the nutrition facts label to see how much sugar is in it. You should get into the habit of meticulously checking which sweeteners are in place of sweetening sugar.

I ate sugar-free products with confidence, and there was a change in weight?

According to the current food law, even if an alternative sweetener is added instead of sugar, it is possible to express ‘sugar-free’. Sugar-free, sugar-free foods should not be mistaken for low-calorie or diet foods. Sugar-free products also contain sugars (fructose corn syrup, glucose, oligosaccharides, etc.) that give a sweet taste instead of adding sugar. These products are just sugar-free and may have similar caloric value to sugar-sweetened products. Of course, in some cases, alternative sweeteners that are lower in calories than sugar but have a stronger sweetness are used. However, excessive consumption of alternative sweeteners can cause side effects.

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Among foods, there are many foods that have a lot of sugar on their own, so they are enough to taste sweet without adding other sweeteners. A typical example is fruit. Fruits are good for health because they are rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants, but they also contain a lot of monosaccharides (fructose). Monosaccharides, such as fructose, are high in calories so that the body can use them as an energy source. It is good to eat fruit, but not to eat too much.

Why do you gain weight in summer… Beware of processed drinks and cafe drinks

Sugars are recommended to be consumed in less than 10% of the daily calorie intake to prevent lifestyle-related diseases (data from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety). In hot summer, sugar intake through ice cream or beverages can increase. Not only drinks made in factories, but also when ordering drinks at cafes, etc., you should eat less sweet, such as putting less syrup. For hydration, it is good to choose cool water or carbonated water.

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