‘Until the universe ends’ seen in 4K video

The energy that gives light to the Earth comes from the sun, but the sun will also disappear someday, and eventually the universe will be filled with black holes. There is a video containing the story until the end of the universe in 4K high-definition, which draws attention.

The journey begins in 2020. The passage of time accelerates past appearances that may exist in the future, such as buildings that look like colonies on Mars. Around 3000, the geomagnetic reversal occurs, and in 4000, a comet finds the vicinity of the Earth. Around 5000 AD, a large-scale rise in water level occurs, washing away traces of mankind. But in terms of the future end of the universe, it is still just the beginning.

Around the year 11,000, a supernova explosion causes the night sky to shine, and in the year 32,000, the shape of the constellations as we know them begins to change. It would take 40,000 years for Voyager 1, the most distant man-made object from Earth, to reach the nearest extrasolar star.

Eventually, the footprints left by humans on the moon will also be covered with soil and become invisible, and after more than 10 million years, something strange will happen to the planets of the solar system. Mars’ moons form rims and Saturn’s rings disappear. As the sun approaches the end of its lifespan, it begins to get brighter. As a result, plants on Earth disappear and the sea dries up. To become a hell where all life burns.

The dying sun becomes a red giant and expands, engulfing Earth and planets in the solar system. The fusion reaction converges and the Sun becomes a cold white dwarf star floating in outer space outside the solar system. Stars other than the sun soon disappear one by one with the same fate.

As the stars die, the universe does not end like a dramatic drama, but quietly dies. In 100 trillion years, the last red dwarf star will go out and the universe will enter a phase of decline. Our sun is expected to be a dead star, a relatively hot and dense white dwarf, but at one time from Earth it is only as bright as a full moon seen in a clear night sky.

Only the faint light of the white dwarf becomes the light of the universe, and if there is any life that survives in the cold universe, it will take refuge near the white dwarf. However, there is a space civilization, and even if you depend on the remaining energy in the white dwarf, it cannot last forever. A white dwarf soon becomes a black life dwarf that emits no light or heat.

Black dwarfs are currently considered non-existent in the universe, as it takes an incredibly long time for a star to enter this state. The supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy engulfs all objects, and only the vortex of matter swallowed by the black hole becomes the last energy source in the universe. All light becomes unobservable and the atom itself decays, thus destroying all matter.

After the black dwarf disappears, normal matter no longer exists, only light and black holes remain. The black hole era is about to begin. Since the black hole era is so long, if we compare the years of the universe’s rebirth to the life of a human being, it can be said that it has just been born.

Small black holes rotate around the giant black hole, absorbing each other and growing. As the impact of the black hole hits the universe like a drum, gravitational waves shake space and time. On the surface of a black hole, positive and negative energy particles constantly split and collide, but one side may be swallowed by the black hole and disappear.

If the black hole’s mass swallows a minus, the black hole’s mass decreases. Therefore, the black hole will soon evaporate and disappear. The end of the universe that dark energy will bring is yet to be predicted. At some point, it may change from expansion to contraction, or the structure of the universe itself may collapse as it continues to expand.

There are several interesting hypotheses about the end of the universe. There is also an interesting story about whether intelligent life forms a hole in the universe by concentrating a tremendous amount of energy, creating a door to a new universe, and evacuating before its own universe dies. There may be a race for survival among multiple universes. If we cannot escape the universe, we will share our destiny with the universe. In the universe where even black holes evaporate and become absolute zero, entropy does not increase in the end. The story of the universe comes to a true end.

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