Unveiling the Power of Ginger: Garlic vs. Turmeric – Which is Better?

2023-09-16 12:00:00

In this corner they will fight… garlic against turmeric? Although both ingredients are used in cooking, there are those who make home remedies that combine some of these with ginger for its supposed health benefits.

Ginger is a tuber-shaped root, native to India and Malaysia. It is characterized by its spicy flavor that is used in cooking for certain infusions and to flavor drinks such as ginger ale. Likewise, it is a distant relative of turmeric and cardamom.

This ingredient has been noted for having some benefits and medicinal properties, which is why it is common to see it in home remedies.

Is it better to combine ginger with garlic or turmeric?

The three ingredients are healthy, they have been studied individually and some potential benefits have been found:

Ginger: Its active compound is gingerol, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, in addition, it benefits the digestive process and helps against nausea. Turmeric: Its active compound is curcumin, it has anti-inflammatory properties and is a source of antioxidants. Garlic (raw): Its main healthy component is allicin, it gives it flavor and smell, but it is only present in its raw version, freshly chopped or crushed, it decreases during cooking; It helps the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties and regulates sugar levels.

But have you wondered if its benefits are more powerful when combined with ginger?

What is ginger with turmeric good for?

Although both ingredients are consumed in the preparation of other foods, their most popular combination is an infusion.

There are those who point out that turmeric tea with ginger has weight loss effects, the reality is that there is no evidence to show that this infusion has weight loss properties.

In general, this combination is consumed for its supposed health benefits. These are some of the possible effects that could arise from the combination of ginger and turuma:

Strengthening the immune system due to the effects that ginger has on the system that defends the body. Relieving some discomfort from chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis. Reducing inflammation due to the anti-inflammatory properties of both. If consumed excessively, turmeric can cause dizziness.

However, Healthline notes that more evidence is needed to confirm the effects of the mixture and that there are not enough studies to confirm that the individual properties of turmeric or ginger combine or enhance each other.

This mixture can be added in a healthy way to a balanced diet in the form of a salad dressing or as a spice.

What is ginger with garlic used for?

As with turmeric, the mixture between ginger and garlic is combined into an infusion and, according to Healthine, can result in a mixture with health benefits.

Here are some of the possible effects of ginger garlic tea:

Strengthen the immune system through gingerReduce inflammationBoth ingredients are sources of antioxidants

The Healthline platform and the Cleveland Clinic point out that the benefits that garlic produces only arise if it is raw, since during cooking it loses certain properties.

So far there are no studies that indicate that the properties of both ingredients are combined when making ginger tea with garlic; However, adding these elements to the diet can benefit the body’s health.

What to combine ginger with?

Both turmeric and garlic can generate positive effects on the body when combined with ginger; However, both have situations that must be considered.

According to Web MD, so far there are no significant studies on all the side effects that can arise from consuming turmeric beyond its use as a spice. Likewise, the active compound curcumin is found in small amounts within the spice.

It is recommended that garlic should be consumed raw, since cooking it can reduce its properties, and in moderation due to some of its side effects such as bloating, stomach upset, and bad body odor.

So far there is no research that indicates which ingredient is best with ginger; However, that root alone can produce some benefits and side effects in the body.

These are the health benefits that ginger alone can produce according to Web MD:

It can help treat stomach discomfort It can relieve pain caused by conditions such as: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis It soothes muscle pain and headaches

This root can also be consumed in an infusion, but excessive consumption can affect the body. According to the Mount Sinai hospital site, some effects may include diarrhea, mouth irritation, heartburn, and stomach upset.

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