Up to 1/7 the supporting documents for exemption 2024-02-25 13:19:44

In particular, a new deadline is provided for owners with pending documents for disabled vehicles to submit:

a) that appear exempt from road tax without having checked the conditions for granting exemption from the DOU at the time of their registration and for which their image in the Vehicle Information System (VIS) has not been corrected to date,

b) whose decision of exemption due to disability expired on 12/31/2023, and it will not be possible to present new supporting documents (KEPA opinion with relevant matching medical certificate) until 2/29/2024.

The supporting documents are submitted through the digital portal myAADE (myaade.gov.gr), following the route: My Requests / New Request / Taxation / Cars / Disability toll exemption.

Those interested can be informed in particular through the Taxpayer Service Center of AADE: +30 213 162 1000, on working days and hours 07:30 – 17:00.

Vehicle owners can pay traffic fees through the AADE myCar platform in the following three ways:

First they print the notice and then they can

  • To visit an automatic transaction machine and scan the QR code of their notification, following the instructions on the screen.
  • Enter their bank’s application (e-banking) and pay using the 23-digit RF code indicated on the notice.
  • To visit a bank or ELTA branch and pay at the cash register by showing the notice.

How tolls are printed

To print the receipt for the payment of traffic fees you need the taxisnet codes of the vehicle owner.

The procedure for issuing the notice is as follows:

  • Enter the MyCar app with the taxisnet codes.
  • Select “Vehicle Traffic Fees” and then the “Vehicle Traffic Fee Notifications” field.
  • You confirm the VAT number and year (in this case 2023) are correct and then enter the car’s registration number.
  • To print it, click on the “Traffic Toll Notice” option
  • No taxisnet codes
  • If you do not have the taxisnet codes, you will need to enter all the necessary information by entering the AADE application. There you enter the VAT number, the vehicle registration number and the year and then press “Print”.

When you don’t have to pay road tax

When the vehicle has been digitally immobilized in the DOU before the start of the year, i.e. before 1/01/2023. Proof of payment of road tax is a necessary document to have in your car, as is car insurance.

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#supporting #documents #exemption

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