Up to $150,000 could be received for a ticket that you can keep in your wallet

Dollars and financial policy have managed to position the United States as one of the most powerful countries. In this way, the uniform American puts other currencies in check on many occasions. However, a piece of news that can cheer many has to do with the $1 bill, since several years ago a series of bills was mistakenly put into circulation that, although they do not lose their value, can increase it. This is due to the particularities with which they were released on the market.

In this sense, $1 bills with certain characteristics are highly desired by collectors. In fact, the interest of these people is such that they pay up to 150,000 Dollars for a 1 dollar bill.

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The production of banknotes of United States origin depends on the decisions and controls carried out by the Federal Reserve (FED) on the currency and economy of the United States. Thus, the Federal Reserve is in charge of making decisions regarding the financial and monetary policy of that nation. At the same time, the Fed controls and regulates banks and other financial institutions, as well as develops certain services to ensure that there is financial stability in the United States. However, despite the fact that the FED performs these tasks, the work of producing the banknotes is carried out by the BEP, Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

According to international media, in 2014 the FED mistakenly put 6.4 million dollar bills into circulation. These bills differ from the others by having the code and the repeated series. Shortly after the banknotes were put into circulation and the FED realized the error, it has been difficult to recover them, since not only are there many, but it is believed that they can be anywhere in the world, this despite the fact that they were distributed only in Washington and New York.

The search for these tickets It has been permanent since 2014, however, so far nine have been recovered and reported.

To be able to identify these bills, it is enough to look at the series or code that they have on one of their sides. In this way, dollar bills that can cost 150,000 Dollars they must be between the series B00000001 and B00250000; or the series B03200001 and B09600000. Likewise, they must have a green seal where the letter “B” is perceived.

According to data revealed by BED workers, by 2016 more than 500 million dollars were manufactured per day. sayings tickets they are produced around the clock at the two BED headquarters, one in Washington and one in Texas, without any interruption by 800 people. These places are of such importance in the United States that they are among the most visited by tourists.

Finally, although large amounts of ticketsthe United States economy is not at risk, since more than 90% of the banknotes that are produced are used to replace those that are withdrawn from the market due to poor conditions.

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