Urgent Sale of Casino Supermarkets: Stéphanois Mobilize to Defend Local Icon

2023-12-17 11:43:15

It’s the big day for Casino, mired in a serious crisis. Heavily in debt, the group is preparing to urgently sell all of its supermarkets (400 stores).

Before the confirmation of this sale, the inter-union (FO, CGT, CFDT, Unsa, CFE-CGC) wants to make itself heard and hopes for a strong mobilization this Sunday.

Beyond the employees, retirees and managers of the Casino group, all Stéphanois are called upon to take to the streets to defend the city’s emblematic company.

Local political figures should be there. Several Loire parliamentarians plan to participate, as do the mayor of Saint-Étienne Gaël Perdriau, surrounded by his municipal majority, and his predecessor Maurice Vincent. On the Metropolis side, the interim president of Saint-Étienne Métropole encourages elected officials to join the mobilization.

The president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region Laurent Wauquiez will not be able to be present but he knows the importance of this “Stéphanois flagship” and insists on reminding us that “everyone must be on deck to save Casino”.

#tears #anger #streets #SaintEtienne

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