Uric acid in winter.. 10 foods that help reduce joint pain

Uric acid is usually called a waste product of the body, which is formed during the process of breaking down a chemical known as purine. The chemical purine is a natural substance found in various food items that we consume on a daily basis. uric acid Which is produced when the body metabolizes this purine from the body through urine.

The member who performs this function is kidneysHowever, when the kidneys are not working properly, this activity can be hampered, leading to a condition in which uric acid remains in the body. High levels of uric acid within the body can lead to a health condition known as gout..

Gout symptoms

according to the site ” thehealthsiteThe condition comes with a set of signs and symptoms that a person can easily detect. Some of these symptoms include the following:

  • severe joint pain

  • Redness in the joint areas

  • Unexplained swelling near the joints

  • Tenderness in joint areas

  • Warmth or a feeling like your joints are burning

  • Uneasiness while walking

The pain can get worse during the night, so taking good care of your joints is very important. One of the first things experts suggest is to change your diet, and the next thing is to follow a good exercise routine.

A workout routine consisting of moderate exercise is great for joints, and brisk walking is important for keeping joints happy and healthy. Aside from exercise, what you eat matters, too. Adding certain foods to your diet can help prevent joint pain.

Foods to reduce joint pain

Add these 10 foods to your diet during the winter season to help your joints stay healthy and keep them safe from winter pain..

  1. Low-fat and non-dairy products such as yogurt and skim milk.

  2. Seasonal fruits and vegetables

  3. Eggs (consult your doctor for the portion)

  4. Meat such as fish and chicken.

  5. Leafy vegetables like spinach.

  6. potatoes

  7. Rice, bread and pasta

  8. Good sources of fats and oils

  9. Nuts and nut butter

  10. the Garlic

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