Use Dropbox to save Dropbox files and folders on your hard drive.[オンラインのみ]Do you want to move to? How to delete messages – Kagua! Creator Economy News

2024-03-29 21:00:52

If you continue to use Dropbox, you may be prompted to delete Dropbox files and folders on your hard drive.[オンラインのみ]Do you want to move to? ” message may appear. This is a warning that the number of locals is decreasing, but it can be easily erased.

Remove Dropbox files and folders from your hard drive[オンラインのみ]Do you want to move to?

Dropbox is convenient because it allows you to move between online and local files. However, sometimes an alert appears, so it’s frustrating.

You may be asked, “Do you want to move Dropbox files and folders on your hard drive to online-only?”

Do you want to go online only?The cause of the display

Will it be online only? This question is asked when the local hard disk space is running low.

Locals are decreasing! Dropbox files are online, so you can delete the local ones, which will free up more space, but what should you do?

That’s what I’m being asked.

It’s dangerous to be online only.

You should be careful about syncing and backing up your Dropbox files only online.

When I get this message,Organized local files to free up hard disk space.

The message should no longer appear.

Negative feedback: Techniques for properly conveying “things that are difficult to say” to others: Takeshi Namba

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