Users call Modern Warfare 2 a “Ninja Turtles simulator” and ask for a shield debuff


Since the launch of Modern Warfare 2 in October, players have had a lot to complain about, including the lack of a hardcore mode, maps that have been removed from the game, maps that players would like to remove from the game, and more. However, there is one thing that users have been complaining about more and more in the last few weeks. It’s all about too powerful police shields (Riot Shield), which players most often wear on their backs.

The police shield protects against any damage, so the CoD community calls players with shields on their backs “turtles”, and the game itself, with so many impenetrable “shells”, has become like a “ninja turtles simulator”. A Reddit user shared a graphic screenshot.

One of the commentators says that even more annoying are the “turtles”, who want to help the teammate and cover him from enemy bullets, but when their character dies, his shield covers the defended player, and he loses the firefight anyway. This amount of “turtles” encourages other players to also use shields on their backs so as not to be at a disadvantage compared to them.

So far, the developer has not responded to everyone’s bewilderment, so for now the debuff of police shields is not expected.

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