“vaccines have increased the epidemic”

REPLAY VIDEO – Should an entire population be vaccinated during an epidemic? Professor Didier Raoult, director of the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Méditerranée Infection in Marseille, author of “COVID-19 War Book The greatest health scandal of the 21st century” (Michel Lafon edition), was the guest of “Bercoff in all its states “.

What we are seeing and analyzing is that vaccines have increased the epidemic. For three months I have been watching all John Hopkins data, and I don’t understand this epidemic, I don’t understand what is happening“said Didier Raoult.

Didier Raoult: “There is the same incidence both among the unvaccinated as among the vaccinated”

The trigger for this reflection was Jacques Fantini’s presentation on facilitating antibodies. And there is an area that nobody wants to talk about, it is the 15 days or the three weeks after the vaccine injection, whether it is the first dose, the second or the third. It’s a gray area because we had only considered one possibility: that the vaccine was protective. In reality, not all infections that occur within 15 days of the injection are reported. This is where there is most of it in reality. We have 200 patients a day. And there is the same incidence among both unvaccinated and vaccinated. People who are vaccinated are just as symptomatic as the unvaccinated, they have the same viral loads. But what is interesting is that among those vaccinated, 25-30% have had an injection for less than three weeks. And of the people we diagnose, 10% are people who just had an injection.

It’s easy: look on John Hopkins, there is a line for the last 28 days with the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of vaccines given. You can look at the data by country: it is not in the countries where we have had the most vaccines that we have the fewest cases“said Didier Raoult.

“We now know that vaccination does not control the epidemic”

In France, 25% of Covid-19 cases have occurred within a month. During the same time, we gave 15 million vaccine injections. Look at Australia: for a long time they had almost no cases, they had locked up their citizens for 200 days. Then they carried out a massive vaccination campaign. And in the past month they have had 800,000 cases. In other words, 80% of the cases they’ve had, they’ve had them within 28 days. Look at Israel too. We can see what is happening very well, just look.

So there is this issue of facilitating antibodies. We now know that vaccination does not control the epidemic. The question is: how is it that in the most vaccinated country we have the most cases? This is an extremely interesting scientific question that we are working on“said Didier Raoult.

“It will be difficult to see the benefit of vaccination”

Regarding vaccines, I think we have to think in terms of cost-benefit, both individually and collectively. In the past two years, there is no excess mortality, there is no overhospitalization among people under 50. As for the variants, with Omicron there is no mortality at all. It will be difficult to see what is the profit of this case. Recently, the director of the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) said it about this vaccination against Covid-19, roughly: the number of side effects is on the rise, while the benefits, there are none at all“, Didier Raoult said.

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