Vampire grave found in northern Poland

Photo: Heritage Daily

Archaeologists have unearthed a vampire grave in northern Poland. This is reported Heritage Daily.

Researchers at the University of Torun discovered a burial site dating back to the 18th century near Bydgoszcz. In the old grave there was a female skeleton with a sickle around its neck, a lock hung on the toe of the left foot.

An anthropological study showed that her front teeth were sticking out, suggesting that her appearance may have led superstitious locals in the 17th century to brand her as a witch or vampire. In fear of her ascension, a sickle was put around her neck, and a padlock was tied to her left toe, ”the newspaper writes.

Professor Dariusz Poliński of the Nicolaus Copernicus University explained that this position of the sickle would decapitate a person if he tried to rise from the grave.

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