Vaping: a British authority advises to sell the products out of the sight of children

Fruity and tangy flavors, colorful and futuristic packaging… Manufacturers compete in imagination when it comes to catching the eye of potential consumers of vaping products. So much so that young people sometimes get involved, not to help them quit smoking, but to be “ in “, style, “ hype ».

In France as in the United Kingdom, the sale of vaping products is prohibited to minors under the age of 18. But the British Association of local authorities, the Local Government Association (LGA), wants to go further, and asks that vaping products (flavours, e-cigarettes, refills) be placed out of the sight and reach of children. Either behind the counters of stores that sell them, just like tobacco.

“It’s not fair that stores can prominently display vaping accessories for all to see, like in a window display, often in bright and colorful packaging which can appeal to children said councilor David Fothergill, chairman of LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board, as quoted by the BBC (Source 1). He also pointed out that he was “ deeply disturbing to see more kids who have never smoked start vaping. Especially since many vaping products contain nicotine, which is an addictive substance.

In France, a committee calls for a ban on flavorings

In France, the National Committee against Smoking (CNCT) calls for a ban on flavorings in all devices that contain nicotine, with the exception of “tobacco flavour”. In a study published this Monday, February 13the CNCT calls on the authorities to better supervise the sale of these products, because the latter, with multiple flavors, “ insist on their recreational dimension and minimize their addictive and toxic nature ».

In its study, the CNCT shows that French legislation is clearly lacking in on vaping, which is only authorized in the form of posters not visible from outside the signs. 84.5% of tobacconists vaping are illegal, 72% of vaping shops do not comply with regulations, and 47% of tobacconists illegally promote heated tobacco, deplores the CNCT .

The committee points out that online sales are not doing much better, as the spread of new vaping products there would be “ trivialized », « in part with the help of influencers praising on social networks their ease of use, their design and their aromas “. It calls for the implementation of measures to oversee this area, as well as a awareness campaign pour « inform about the harmful and addictive nature of vaping products ».

« Far from helping smokers in their smoking cessation, the multiplication of flavors in new products aims only to phishing of young consumers. Without a quick flavor ban, the situation risks spiraling out of control “, warned Professor Yves Martinet, president of the CNCT, in conclusion.

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