Venezuelan dies in celebration of New Year in Argentina

The investigation determined that the murder occurred at the Rumbas VE premises, on Gorriti street.

A 30-year-old Venezuelan citizen was shot and killed while at a New Year’s celebration in Palermo, Argentina.

The man, identified as Trejo Reyes, had lived in Buenos Aires for some time and had a daughter, according to local media reports.

The victim was shot when he was celebrating at a place called Rumbas VE, located at 5500 Gorriti Street.

The shooting would have started at 4 in the morning, after a discussion broke out between a group of people in the middle of a public thoroughfare.

The man, they reported, went out into the street to investigate the reason for the fight, when he was shot in the back.

Seconds later, he tried to re-enter the place with the gunshot wound. But he collided with the glass of the door and fell to the ground.

Witnesses said that the mother of the deceased was also present and saw her son lying on the floor, injured by the projectile.

When the ambulance arrived at the scene, the doctors were unable to revive Trejo Reyes and his death was confirmed.

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