Venezuelans in Colombia die more violently than from natural causes, according to Legal Medicine | BLU Meridian

The percentage of citizens of Venezuela who are dying in Colombia due homicide with firearms and blades, it is higher than those who die a natural death; this situation, according to the report of types of deaths of people with Venezuelan nationality for the years 2020, 2021 and the first half of 2022, recorded in the recent report of Legal Medicine.

From 2020 to July 2022 have passed away 1,982 Venezuelans as a result of violent deaths, fights, wounds with firearms and white. Due to natural causes, in the same period, 215 people of the same nationality have died, while 163 have taken their own lives. As to traffic accidents, In the same period, they were counted 556 deaths.

For only homicide with a firearm in the country was 1,432 deaths of Venezuelan citizens; 395 homicides were with a knife corresponding to knife, scalpel, among other elements and 155 Venezuelans died in the middle of a fight in this period.

Other causes of death due to home accidents and accidents on public roads, which reached 385 cases.

Good part of the violent deaths of Venezuelan citizens obey the masculine andn more than one 88 percent of cases, and the rest obeys women of this nationality.

This phenomenon It is registered in greater proportion in the cities of Bogotá, Cúcuta, Medellín, Cali and Bucaramanga, what are the areas where there is the greatest presence of this community which, according to the latest report by Migration Colombia, is in 2.4 million Venezuelans.

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