“Very good to take potato”: María Luisa Godoy spoke about her fifth child after “emergency caesarean section”

During the first hours of the followingnoon, the entertainer María Luisa Godoy announced the birth of his fifth offspring, Domingo.

“Thank you very much for so many messages of love,” she expressed through Instagram, words that were accompanied by a postcard with the bus on her chest.

After the birth of the offspring, it was the father of the child and husband of the driver, Ignacio Rivadeneira, who spoke with LUN and expressed the first reactions following birth.

About the mother, he said that she is “very well”, only “a little tired because it was an emergency cesarean section”.

Immediately followingwards, in conversation with the aforementioned medium, María Luisa took the floor to talk regarding her offspring: “He is an exquisite child, he came out very good to take a potato, he has us fascinated, and healthy how they had anticipated us in the ultrasound.”

Regarding the “urgency” of the delivery, he explained that “it is my first caesarean section, and obviously a normal delivery is much better, but it had to be that way because he moved very little,” he explained.

Faced with this situation, they decided to wait a day to see if it became more active. But that didn’t happen.

Faced with that scenario, the gynecologist decided that “he had to be removed because something was happening inside that was not comfortable”, so “he had a very good eye, because we entered the ward and, when they removed him, they realized that the cord was very thin , so he wasn’t eating well.”

“I am happy with my beloved Chinaman and grateful that he is healthy,” he concluded. “What more can I ask for?”

A couple of weeks ago, in conversation with Martín Cárcamo for from you to you (Canal 13), He said that his son had Down Syndrome.



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