Víctor Cantillo Returns to Junior: Contract Negotiations and Confirmation

2023-12-29 03:47:39

They already fixed almost everything. It is a fact that Víctor Cantillo will return to Junior. The only thing that remains to be defined is the period of time for which he will sign the contract.

The player wants to put his signature on a two-year employment contract, while the club proposes one. They are in that peaceful push and pull.

It is an issue that will not stop the return of the acclaimed midfielder who has just left Corinthians in Brazil.

The footballer himself confirmed to EL HERALDO the situation, which was finally resolved tonight, with the participation of his businessman, after the meeting he held in the afternoon with Fuad and Alejandro Char, at the former’s house.

The elected mayor confirmed that Cantillo dresses in red and white again through a publication on his social networks.

“This is your house daddy, welcome back to ‘Your Dad’ Junior’s house,” Alejandro Char responded to a story on Instagram in which Cantillo thanked him.

In the coming days, the 30-year-old midfielder will undergo medical examinations, and after passing them, he will sign the contract that will formalize the long-awaited return for him, for coach Arturo Reyes and for all the red and white fans.

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#Víctor #Cantillo #confirms #return #Junior

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