Video of the robot dog.. It surprises enemies and occupies high areas

drone Landing on the roof of a building, where it was placed "robot" The dog left the place.

After that, the robot got up just as it gets up dog on his feet and began to walk over the roof, and it was evident that machine gun above its frame, but the videos did not show footage of shooting from this weapon.

It is believed that the weapon that was carried by the robot was a model "QBB- 97" Light, according to the site "thedrive" technical.

It is not clear whether the video was filmed during a Chinese military exercise.

And posted the video on the company’s account "Kestrel Defense Blood-Wing" Certified on the site "weibo" The Chinese counterpart to the micro-blogging site "Twitter".

The account said in a comment accompanying the video that it can be published "robot dog" Behind enemy lines to launch a surprise attack.

It can also be deployed on the roofs of buildings where the enemy is stationed to occupy high areas, thus containing its firepower.

The account added that this robot can be deployed in city areas during military operations.

But many details of this war tool are not yet known.

As for what is known that the machine gun is installed on the back "robot dog" Capable of firing 650 bullets per minute.


The video shows drone You land on the roof of a building, where you put the “robot” the dog and leave the scene.

After that, the robot got up just as it gets up dog on his feet and began to walk over the roof, and it was evident that machine gun above its frame, but the videos did not show footage of shooting from this weapon.

It is believed that the weapon the robot was carrying was a light “QBB-97”, according to the technical website “thedrive”.

It is not clear whether the video was filmed during a Chinese military exercise.

And the video was published on the account of the company “Kestrel Defense Blood-Wing”, which is documented on the “Kestrel Defense Blood-Wing”“Chinese counterpart to micro-blogging site”Twitter“.

In a comment accompanying the video, the account said that a “dog robot” could be deployed behind enemy lines to launch a surprise attack.

It can also be deployed on the roofs of buildings where the enemy is stationed to occupy high areas, thus containing its firepower.

The account added that this robot can be deployed in city areas during military operations.

But many details of this war tool are not yet known.

As for what is known, the machine gun installed on the back of the “robot dog” is capable of firing 650 bullets per minute.

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