Viedma unanimously accepted the salary proposal

2023-04-26 21:07:02

During this day, the assemblies of the different constituencies of the Union of Judicial Workers of Río Negro (SITRAJUR) were held. to resolve the salary recomposition proposal offered by the Superior Court of Justice of Río Negro.

Viedma unanimously approved this proposal today which, as the judicial union had announced, is “an offer similar to that of the rest of the provincial public employment.”

This offer consists of liquidating a salary recomposition of 16% with the salaries of Aprilthat is, with the next salary schedule that will start next week.

In addition, the salary will have a review date in June once the inflation index for May is known.

It had also been clarified that this salary recomposition will impact “the amounts corresponding to overtime, the bonus received by the members of the Offices of Orders and Notifications.”

The joint act detailed that this increase will also impact “the amounts of the bonuses called Patrimonial Responsibility, Reports Office Function, Judicial Circumscriptional Headquarters Bonus, Circumscriptional Delegations Function, Circumscriptional Controller and the STJ Automotive Park; as well as a fixed sum for the reimbursement of commission expenses for drivers and maintenance personnel.

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#Viedma #unanimously #accepted #salary #proposal

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