Visit to the basin and meetings with Sanitation Boards for the recovery of Lake Ypacaraí

Asunción, IP Agency.- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) mission visited the sites where sanitation infrastructures would be installed for the recovery of the Ypacaraí Lake basin.

Likewise, the institutional team held meetings with the representatives of the Sanitation Boards of the areas that will benefit, to make them aware of the project and establish a dialogue that will allow achieving the established objectives.

Both the meetings and the field visit carried out by the IDB technicians were accompanied by representatives of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), the Regulatory Entity of Sanitary Services (Erssan) and the Sanitary Services Company of Paraguay (Essap). .

Interinstitutional work session

Subsequently, a working session was developed between the IDB team, representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Mades) and the MOPC departments involved, such as the Directorate of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Dapsan), National Directorate of Management and Management of Lake Ypacaraí (Dinalaypa) and Directorate of Environmental Partner Management (DGSA).

In it, issues regarding the progress of the preliminary project were addressed, as well as various components related to environmental aspects, according to the MOPC report.

IDB activities will continue this week with other technical meetings, in order to continue advancing in the Lake Ypacaraí Basin Sanitation Project, promoted by the MOPC through Dapsan, in coordination with Dinalaypa and other agencies.

It should be noted that, last December, the Government of Paraguay and the IDB had marked a milestone in the fight against climate change by signing a momentous agreement during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-28) in Dubai.

This agreement, focused on the climate agenda, positions Paraguay as one of the first countries in the innovative IDB-CLIMA program, which in our case contemplates the recovery of this natural heritage of all Paraguayans.

#Visit #basin #meetings #Sanitation #Boards #recovery #Lake #Ypacaraí
2024-05-13 09:32:55

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