Visiting the Embassy, ​​Pupil Activists Ask the Egyptian Authorities To not Ignore the Humanitarian Tragedy in Rafah – 2024-05-15 00:55:41

Pupil activists show in entrance of the Egyptian embassy, ​​Friday (10/5/2024)(Illustration)

Quite a lot of pupil activists who’re members of College students for Justice of Palestine (SJP) from varied campuses in Jakarta, Depok and Bekasi held an motion by visiting the Egyptian Embassy on Jalan Teuku Umar, Central Jakarta not too long ago onmi

Rahmadhani Nur Widianto, motion coordinator from the College of Legislation, College of Indonesia, acknowledged that the aim of their go to was to convey a number of vital factors to the Egyptian authorities.

“In the present day, colleagues from College students for Justice of Palestine visited the Egyptian embassy in Indonesia to convey a number of vital messages to the Egyptian authorities,” he stated in Jakarta.

Nonetheless, SJP’s arrival didn’t obtain a welcome on the Egyptian embassy in Jakarta.

“We have now to just accept that that is destiny, however whereas ready for higher occasions, we proceed to advocate by social media to voice the humanitarian tragedy in Palestine,” he added.

Dhani revealed that the viewers would seemingly be rescheduled by the Egyptian Embassy.

Additionally learn: Israeli troops management the Palestinian facet of the Rafah crossing

“We invite the Egyptian authorities to not ignore what is going on in Rafah Palestine, which borders Egypt instantly. We additionally ask the Egyptian authorities to offer help to refugees from Rafah, who to this point haven’t acquired consideration,” he continued.

A number of campus components from Jakarta State College (UNJ), Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), and different campuses participated within the SJP motion in Kota Tua Jakarta to convey the identical message to the group.

“We hope that each one Indonesian individuals, particularly fellow college students, will proceed to voice Palestinian independence till the Palestinian individuals really obtain their independence. As Indonesian residents, we have now a giant duty to finish colonialism on this world, and we should play an lively function in making it occur ,” he concluded. (Z-10)

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